Wild Child - Elen Levon
Written by:Elen Levon/Jeremy Skaller/Justin Lucas/Jamil Chammas
Feet in the sand (脚踩着细沙)
Waves are high (慢慢看浪花高涨)
And I ain't got no care in the world that's right (和我一起不在意世界的变幻)
Take a dive into the other side (让我游到彼岸)
I don't know what's waiting there (不管要面对的是什么)
But I'll be alright (我都应付得了)
One only lives if you go to point break (生命要有突破才算是活着)
And I'll take you there if you love my mistakes (我会与你相随 假如你连我的缺点都爱上)
Ready or not here we go might get a little messy (不管你准备好没 我们这就出发 可能没那么顺利喔)
I'm gonna be your one only one wild child (我要成为你唯一的野孩子)
You need to give in into the riptide (要是吵架了 你可要多让着我)
Let me take you on on an endless ride (让我与你踏上没有尽头的旅程)
Gonna be your one only one only one only wild child (我要做你唯一唯一的野孩子)
Hey hey hey
Wild child (野孩子)
Gonna be your one only one only one only wild child (我要做你唯一唯一的野孩子)
Yeah let's escape (我们逃脱吧)
While we are young (趁现在还年轻)
Come on let's give them something to talk about (来吧 来成为别人的话题)
Paddle out point of no return (扬帆出海 一往无前)
I know that we will catch infinity on the run (我相信奔跑向前无极限)
One only lives if you go to point break (生命要有突破才算是活着)
And I'll take you there if you love my mistakes (我会与你相随 假如你连我的缺点都爱上)
Ready or not here we go might get a little messy (不管你准备好没 我们这就出发 可能没那么顺利喔)
I'm gonna be your one only one wild child (我要成为你唯一的野孩子)
You need to give in into the riptide (要是吵架了 你可要多让着我)
Let me take you on on an endless ride (让我与你踏上没有尽头的旅程)
Gonna be your one only one only one wild child (我要做你唯一唯一的野孩子)
Hey hey hey hey
Wild child (野孩子)
Hey hey hey hey
Wild child (野孩子)
Hey hey hey hey
Wild child (野孩子)
Gonna be your one only one only one wild child (我要做你唯一唯一的野孩子)
When it all falls into place (当一切到位)
Let your love get carried away (就带着爱高飞吧)
It's not a dream don't let it fade (这不是做梦 别让爱渐渐消退)
Catch the wave (逐浪出海吧)
I'm gonna be your one only one wild child (我要成为你唯一的野孩子)
You need to give in into the riptide (要是吵架了 你可要多让着我)
Let me take you on on an endless ride (让我与你踏上没有尽头的旅程)
Gonna be your one only one only one wild child (我要做你唯一唯一的野孩子)
One only one wild child (我要成为你唯一的野孩子)
You need to give in into the riptide (要是吵架了 你可要多让着我)
Let me take you on on an endless ride (让我与你踏上没有尽头的旅程)
Gonna be your one only one only one wild child (我要做你唯一唯一的野孩子)
Hey hey hey hey
Wild child (野孩子)
Hey hey hey hey
Gonna be your one only one only one wild child (我要成为你唯一的野孩子)
Hey hey hey hey
Wild child (野孩子)
Gonna be your one only one only one wild child (我要成为你唯一的野孩子)